
Inside Irmo Fire District

IFD Chaplaincy Program

The Fire Chaplain with the Irmo Fire District has several duties involving a variety of functions. Included in this list does not replace a member’s regular religious leader. Rather, the Chaplain seeks to support the concern of every church for its members who may be in professions with special risks or needs. Moreover, the Chaplain must support the concerns of every member of the department, regardless of his or her nationality, race, sex, or religion. However, it is also important to understand that Chaplains are bound to act only within the Canonical restrictions of their respective faith and office. If one Chaplain’s faith restricts him or her from conducting a particular service, that Chaplain will make every effort to contact a resource to try and accommodate the request of the member and their family.

Irmo Fire District’s Chaplain was The Reverend Doctor Anthony Giunta, who faithfully served our District from 2017 until his death in May of 2024. Giunta was a Catholic Priest and retired military chaplain, as well as a former Firefighter/ Police Fire, Arson Investigator, and Clinical Psychologist /Pastoral Counselor. He had recently completed a Doctorate in Law. Remember with God’s help and prayers, we will expand our Chaplaincy, as well as our District.

Any communication a person makes to the Chaplain may be kept on a confidential basis, if requested, and will not be released to department members or any other person, subject to the requirements and limitations of local, state and federal statute and Canonical requirements of the Chaplain’s office. Any fire personnel may go to the Chaplain without having to notify his or her supervisor or anyone else.

Any fire department officer or member (including administrative staff) who becomes aware of any situation which may need the response of the Chaplain may contact the Chaplain directly. Fire department administration and the Fire Officer (FO) on duty at the station keep current telephone numbers for all Fire Chaplains. Examples of situations where the Chaplain may be contacted include, but are not limited to:

  • Death, injury or hospitalization of a fire department member.
  • Death, injury or hospitalization of a fire department member’s spouse or child.
  • Death in a fire department member’s close family (i.e.: any family member covered the department’s death leave provisions).

A fire department chaplain tends to be the person who notifies the family of an injured or killed firefighter. The chaplain takes the family to the hospital or morgue and stays with the family until others arrive to help. When necessary, chaplains help make funeral arrangements, such as by calling a funeral home or getting in touch with other friends and family members. They may stay in touch with these families for months or even years.